Friday, November 14, 2008

How ya doin?

I get these questions more often than anything else here in U.S...

How u doing? Watsup? Howz it going?..............and so on..

Being from India, its been really really different there...whenever you meet generally greet each one saying kaisa hai bhai(how are you?), but these are the Q's you ask some one whom you know very well or so....but after landing in U.S for my grad studies its been 'Hellos' & 'How you doings' raining from everywhere. God I felt so ackward when ever you go somewhere and people ask howz it going .....I dont mean its bad but it took me sometime to adjust.

Also the answer to these questions would be standard - 'Doing Great - What about you','Nothing great, you tell me!' etc..but people dont care for your answer...i used to think people who work in departmental stores etc...dont they get bored by asking these Q's, but ofcourse that the American way - to keep the customer happy ( or other person whomever u r talking to happy). It doesnt really come with respect, its just a standard blatant expression, lost its meaning long time ago.

So there was a phase when I loved to answer this question, and to greet other colleagues with these kind of Q's , but now I start to hate and get bored to greet anyone with these expressions....well that the way it is!!


Rammi said...

thats a nice write. btw...howz it going
hehehe like it or not, u cant escape it as long as u r in US

Venkat Satish said...

haha long as we are here we can never escape that