Saturday, November 15, 2008

Quantum of solace review...

Well being a hardcore James bond fan, I feel obliged to share my thoughts on the latest Installment - QOS. We grabbed tickets for the night show on friday 14th, the day it released in US, although there were good prints of the movie available online, I kept telling myself I will watch this only in theater atleast for its $230 million budget. And yes the movie is more than worth the ticket.

Well the movie has lots of action and little story, but it has all the familiar spy style moves. Ofcourse the main thing to talk about is jaw dropping action sequences & locales. Daniel craig is awesome...seriously he mastered the role. I was little disappointed that the main theme song sucked & familiar bond tune doesnt come till the end.

Murali spilled a bucket of popcorn inside the theater while watching the movie and popcorn was everywhere near my legs. One more thing I love in watching a movie in theater are the trailers in the beginning, I am a big fan of trailers even though I dont watch all of them. The way people market a movie depends on how good the trailer is. And boy I love them. I frequently watch trailers on apple & yahoo sites whenever I get bored... We saw the trailers of i think 2012 & star trek in the beginning and both looked awesome!

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