Saturday, November 22, 2008

Utes crush Cougars!!

Well I just returned from one of the most passionate games your can ever watch-BYU vs UTAH football. Few rivalries can match the intensity of these games. Nick named as Holy war, it draws huge crowds and passions run high.

Me along with Kannan reached the ground around 3.35 PM and the game kicked off at 4.....we were right in the middle of a whole group of MUSS(Mighty Utah Student Section) fans. And the fun thing was there were some BYU fans right infront of us...they were a small group in the middle of the big crimson tide(Utah's color is crimson). Poor guys they were the target of all different kind of projectiles(popcorn, papers, ice cubes, even burritos) and the fun part was a BYU guy started eating one of the burrito thrown on to him, and Utah fans were shouting saying "hey that burrito has shit man" was really funny, but I felt sorry for that BYU guy...but yeah he should expect animosity if he comes inside the Reds area!

the BYU fans(dressed in Blue & having Y written of T-shirts)...

Utah players emerging from the tunnel.........

The stadium was set in the middle of mountains and its a beautiful view as the sun set in the stadium

Red Red everywhere....

An enthusiastic Ute supporter

James & his brother were a great company all throughout the game, particularly in explaining rules & ofcourse the whole MUSS group was awesome...After the game, supporters just ran into the stadium to revel in the glory of winning the Moutain west conference, Entering the bowl & most importantly beating BYUThe board says it all....poor BYU fans, they were whacked badly...well I heard they behave decently in their home ground when BYU-Utah game happens...but we are not so good :D

Goo UTES!!!

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