Thursday, November 6, 2008

The name is Obama, Barack Obama..

Yes we can.......Yes we did

So finally after months of constant campaiging,debating,bitter words between the two camps finally Obama won the Presidential campaign. His story of rise to power is definitely a source of inspiration to anyone. I am still not able to beleive that a person who is of African descent, Who spent 4 years in Indonesia as a child & whose middle name is Hussein has been elected as the president of U.S. As everyone pointed out this definitely is a sign of change in America & the world.
Well...on the other side it started snowing pretty badly in salt lake...and I had the chance to capture some fall colors last weekend...

I walk a lonely road the only one that I've ever known, Dont know where it goes But it's home to me and I walk alone.....Boulevard of broken dreams still..
With Kalyan at University's north campus..

This is just outside our apartment........a really beautiful tree....the light was little bad or else I could have captured a more beautiful picture...

I like this kind of more light green color....Nature at its best!