Saturday, November 1, 2008

Into the wild!

I know its really an old review..considering it released last year...and when I watched this movie in the theater last winter, I was alone in the house(all my roomies went on to visit their friends, relatives etc..) I completely lost myself in the movie..

It's a film adaptation of a real life story of a bright college graduate Christopher McCandless, who leaves all the riches of modern life to explore and live in the wild and dies in the wilderness because of unpreparedness to survive in the wild. I was so deeply in love with the movie that I watched it over and over again. That was when I decided I would one day for sure visit Alaska. It is such a beautiful place untouched and pristine - a true heaven.

I started watching similar themed movies and stumbled upon The Edge, a similar kind of movie placed in wild with Anthony hopkins and Alec Baldwin..

Anyways i was really moved by Into the wild and I suggest you to watch it if you havent already...

And there is one all time great movie based on real life survival of group of airplane crash victims called Alive(1993). This was also one of the most touching stories, I have ever seen. The sheer belief of people facing all odds and coming successful is really great. I suggest you watch that too...

And yes let me know if you find any other movies like these :)

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