Friday, January 16, 2015

What's up...

A really long time since my last blog count a little over 5 years. Life has been really good and lots of things have changed in this world. To recount what happened in these 5 years would take a really long time..but just to recap few major points. World is getting warmer - courtesy of cheap oil prices and clearing of large swatches of rain forests, earth is getting filled with plastic everywhere, lots of animals are getting extinct as I type...but who the hell cares..right? 

People are so selfish that they don't worry about what nature has provided us over a million years and all it take to destroy is just 50 years. To kill a mighty elephant, the majestic rhinos for a mere part of the body is crime. I wonder how will the wild life be in 40 years from now...I hope elephant and rhino might still be not extinct.

It is also very sad to see people not even caring to reduce plastic usage...all it takes is to take a reusable bag for groceries and recycle that plastic that you can't avoid buying. But sad to see even educated people...even phd's not caring anything about this. Sad to know that our oceans are filled with trillions of tonnes of plastic...GOD! 

Humans should realize it is still possible to act to stop this and take corrective actions...but alas we don't listen till it is too late..!!!!!

Adios till the next blog!

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