Friday, April 18, 2008

Killer week

Actually this is not a time to write a blog.....let me tell you what all I have got the following two weeks -
  • First and foremost Advanced mechatronics Project(worth 30% of grade) - going at snails pace
  • Robotics control Assignment+project+Final(Final is on tuesday, Assignment is due on monday & project on next tuesday).
  • State space Assignment+final+project: All due in the next two weeks....
Well all this said, i dont know why i am finding time now to write about all this stuff....anyways I wish I could see whats gonna happen in these two weeks...anyways will find out & will tell you how did it go.

And one more releive this tension and before beginning the journey of these final two weeks of this semester...watched a beautiful movie: Notting hill....really a sweet movie...awesome one...

Well well will get back to you after a week or two with how these all went.....

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