Monday, April 28, 2008

Bhajji Blues..

Poor Bhajji, temper got better of him & the whole drama ensues. After the slap-ban drama, the press is rife with comparisons with the previous episodes of symonds-monkey drama which was highly publicized. But this comparison seems to be ridiculous. I just think that being a more emotional player, he might have got pissed off at sreesanth's comment and let loose his hand.

This gives me a previous thoughts of punjabis, what I observed during my stay in Punjab for 4 years. The teenagers especially are very adamant, bold & even sometimes rude. They say that people cool down as they grow old, I find that case to be true in Punjab. And also people are not afraid to question something if it is wrong. I had an expereince in jalandhar railway station where one of the mineral water sellers was selling a bottle for 13 rupees while the original price was only 10 rs. Once elder sikh janaab who came to grab a bottle was astonished at the price and started arguing. Ultimately the vendor had to concede & give it for 10Rs. Huh!!

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