Monday, April 28, 2008

Bhajji Blues..

Poor Bhajji, temper got better of him & the whole drama ensues. After the slap-ban drama, the press is rife with comparisons with the previous episodes of symonds-monkey drama which was highly publicized. But this comparison seems to be ridiculous. I just think that being a more emotional player, he might have got pissed off at sreesanth's comment and let loose his hand.

This gives me a previous thoughts of punjabis, what I observed during my stay in Punjab for 4 years. The teenagers especially are very adamant, bold & even sometimes rude. They say that people cool down as they grow old, I find that case to be true in Punjab. And also people are not afraid to question something if it is wrong. I had an expereince in jalandhar railway station where one of the mineral water sellers was selling a bottle for 13 rupees while the original price was only 10 rs. Once elder sikh janaab who came to grab a bottle was astonished at the price and started arguing. Ultimately the vendor had to concede & give it for 10Rs. Huh!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

EPL & IPL....

Its the weekend & time for sports......ManUtd lost to chelsea at stamford bridge & gets the title race more & more interesting....& indian IPL teams fighting to gain points....harbhajhan hitting sreesanth created more furore than Deccan chargers losing all 3 games...interesting!!

I always thought that creating a game format in the lines of english premeir league would benefit game of cricket...although it gets boring in the end. When it comes to deccan chargers, keeping laxman in the team was just because he is a Hyderabadi, although he is not fit for this form of cricket. The match they lost againast Royals was just his bullshit captaincy. Lets see where they go to....

Friday, April 25, 2008

Well here is my project demonstration for advanced mechatronics: Video

Thanks for watching!

Weekend roundup

hey let me wind up this weekend with the news of the current week..i should say it went on ok....for the first time in my life I stayed awake for straight 38 hours and yes the one made that possible is none other than Advanced MECHATRONICS!!!

So for the project submission on thursday, we toiled through the whole of night to get some demonstration done & yes finally we were successful. Although we couldnt please Dr. P., he looks like satisfied with some results. For those of you who want to see what we have done - please go through for the video of that.

Now got one more week of work & then I will be done for the semester. Hurray!!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Just came across this site called: Phd -

Its an acronym for piled higher and deeper...true!!

Really enjoyed the site.

Killer week

Actually this is not a time to write a blog.....let me tell you what all I have got the following two weeks -
  • First and foremost Advanced mechatronics Project(worth 30% of grade) - going at snails pace
  • Robotics control Assignment+project+Final(Final is on tuesday, Assignment is due on monday & project on next tuesday).
  • State space Assignment+final+project: All due in the next two weeks....
Well all this said, i dont know why i am finding time now to write about all this stuff....anyways I wish I could see whats gonna happen in these two weeks...anyways will find out & will tell you how did it go.

And one more releive this tension and before beginning the journey of these final two weeks of this semester...watched a beautiful movie: Notting hill....really a sweet movie...awesome one...

Well well will get back to you after a week or two with how these all went.....