Monday, June 22, 2009

Business Analytics

Well its been forever since I posted my last blog.....the thought of writing one again came from compulsion not of interest. One of the classes I was taking this summer had a part where I needed to write an article on Emergence of Business analytics. The prescribed book to look for guidance is Competing on Analytics by Davenport & Harris.

Well Analytics, the idea seems to be for those business school geeks, who seem to go to the depths of each fundamental detail and brainstorm every possible, bullshittest idea to generate one more buck form an already existing model.

When I started reading this, I realized its not as nerdy/geeky as I thought before. One example is Netflix inc. which started as a rival to blockbuster. The legend goes that Mr. Hastings (now C.E.O of Netflix) got hit by a $40 late fee for Appollo 13 he rented out. He started with an idea of developing a model which has montly rental just like a gym. The result is outstanding.

He used analytics in the form of clustering to determine the tastes of audience and kept the customers happy by offering best choices and kept the no's increasing. The result - a $1 billion company in 2006. Staggering!!!